
Senin, 15 Februari 2010

Flatland is a freestyle BMX riding style performed on smooth flat surfaces that do not include any ramps, jumps, or grindrails. It is sometimes described as a form of artistic cycling with a blend of breakdancing.

Flatland occupies a position somewhat removed from the rest of freestyle BMX. People who ride in the above disciplines will generally take part in at least one of the others, but flatlanders tend to only ride flatland. They are often very dedicated, and will spend several hours a day perfecting their techniques.

Flatland also differs from the others in that the terrain used is nothing but a smooth, flat surface. Tricks are performed by spinning and balancing on the bike in a variety of unexpected positions. Riders almost always use either knurled/grip taped aluminum or plastic pegs to stand on to manipulate the bike into even stranger positions.

Flatland bikes typically have a shorter wheelbase than other freestyle bikes. This shorter wheelbase requires less effort to make the bike spin or to position the bike on one wheel. One of the primary reasons flatlanders often ride only flatland is the decreased stability of using their shorter bikes on ramps, dirt and street.

A variety of options is commonly found on flatland bikes. The most unifying feature of flatland bikes is the use of four pegs, one on the end of each wheel axle. Flatlanders will choose to run a front brake (or a dual front brake; one front brake with two brake levers using one brake cable), front and rear brakes, or no brakes at all, depending on stylistic preference.

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Belajar dari kesalahan, mengendalikan diri dan menerima kekurangan orang lain adalah hal besar yang perlu dipelajari. Teruslah Berkarya dan Anggap Suatu Masalah Sebuah Seni Kehidupan. Djanggan Cahya Buana, 21 Desember.


Berpikir dan Berjiwa Besar Percaya Anda dapat berhasil, Keberhasilan seseorang ditentukan oleh besarnya cara berpikir seseorang, Keraguan, ketidakpercayaan, keinginan bawah sadar untuk gagal, perasaan tidak benar-benar ingin berhasil, bertanggung jawab atas sebagian besar kegagalan. Berpikir ragu maka Anda gagal. Berpikir menang maka Anda berhasil. Kepercayaan diri berhubungan dengan rasa berharga dalam diri manusia. Setiap orang adalah produk dari pikirannya. Percayalah akan hal-hal yang besar. Langkah pertama (dasar) menuju keberhasilan adalah percayalah kepada diri sendiri, percayalah bahwa Anda dapat berhasil.